This pisses me off!

7 min read

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DolphyDolphiana's avatar
Dolphy's Journal

Certain artists just think they`re so loved and popular and praised that they can tell others what to do and what not.

Especially when besaid artists are known for immediately flipping out when somebody draws in only a remotely similar style or has a character that has the same colours as their own. There`s no way that another person can have the idea of creating a lion with a certain colour, right?

Well, one can always talk to the artist in question. But when the ever-complaining person is known for having a huge army of fans behind her, who have insulted and attacked other artists just because their "heroine" was like "OMG, that person copied me! I`m having depressions, plz let it stop!!!Me poor victim!Oh cruel world!"...well, people get scared. And the artist with the upper hand shamelessly knows that. -_-

So what does the accused artist do? Delete the pictures...Because as long as you`re so damn popular and people think you have invented drawing lions and what not you can accuse everybody of having copied your style, because you know you can only win.

*is fuming* -____-

Even if this puts me in a lot of trouble, I frankly don`t care :

:iconevana:, :icondomi-chan: :

Lobby deleted her picture from her gallery, I hope you`re happy now. And I`m sad that after all those years you still don`t seem to have any other problems than searching for people who may have a similar style like you. I know Lobby for several years and she never took Evana`s pictures as inspiration. Evana is extremely popular and has a lot of talent, but she hasn`t invented cartoon-animals!
And she hasn`t invented gradient shading.




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© 2007 - 2024 DolphyDolphiana
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leovictor's avatar
Wow.... This was intense...

I hope Lobby is doing way better now (2009) then in 2007.

Happy to see you her too Dolphy.

(from the moron who came her 2 years too late lol)